Relief May Be Possible

Surgery can help many chronic migraine sufferers



If you suffer from chronic migraine headaches, you may feel hopeless – but you’re certainly not alone. Each year, migraines keep 12% of Americans from work, school, and their favorite activities.  Dr. George Landis understands how this painful condition can take a toll on your physical and emotional well-being – which is why he takes a special interest in surgical migraine treatment. Minneapolis, St. Paul, and other patients from the Midwest turn to Dr. Landis when they’re ready to take control and reduce their migraine headaches for good.

To find out if migraine surgery can give you the relief you need, request a consultation at Landis Plastic Surgery today.  You can call our office at 952.562.5940 to schedule your appointment.

Benefits of Migraine Surgery

Migraine surgery is a relatively straightforward approach that focuses on relieving the nerve compression that leads to migraine headaches. This technique was inadvertently discovered when plastic surgeons began to notice that their brow lift, rhinoplasty, and other facial rejuvenation patients mentioned a significant reduction in their migraines following cosmetic surgery.

Today, 92% of people who undergo migraine surgery report at least a 50% reduction in the occurrence of their headaches, while 31% of patients experienced a complete elimination of symptoms. For these patients, the benefits of migraine surgery are far-reaching – the time they get back with their friends and loved ones is priceless.

Your Migraine Surgery

Prior to migraine surgery at our Minnesota practice, Dr. Landis engages you in a thorough consultation. During this visit, he asks you about your history with migraines and the results of the treatments you’ve tried. He may ask that you keep a “migraine diary” to help establish your triggers and patterns. Dr. Landis also asks you about the medications and supplements you’re currently using. Once he determines your candidacy for surgery, he describes your treatment options in depth.

The technique Dr. Landis uses during your surgery depends largely on the location of the nerve that serves as the “trigger point” from which your migraines originate. For example, surgery to treat migraines that begin in the frontal zone may require only a small incision in the upper eyelid or the hairline. Other zones that might be involved include the temporal zone, occipital zone, and nasal zone, which each require different incisions. These trigger sites account for an estimated 75% to 90% of all migraine triggers in the head and neck. More than a dozen minor sites have also been described and can be explored if necessary.

Migraine surgery typically lasts between 1 and 2 hours.  Migraine surgery is an outpatient procedure, which means you may return home the same day.

Recovery After Migraine Surgery

It’s important to follow Dr. Landis’s instructions thoroughly after your surgery, including keeping your follow-up appointments. He may recommend avoiding certain activities for several weeks, but most patients may return to work after about 1 week. Up to 90% of migraine treatment patients report significant relief within the first month after surgery.

Dr. Landis Performing Surgery

Trigger Points:  Migraine Headache Surgery

Here’s a very good testimonial video produced by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons:  

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